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The Pope resigned for a tweet published on ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve confirmed with his first tweet ever on twelve twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight and formal resignation of first pope in six centuries two plus two and two times two months later two months two weeks and two days after his reply the first formal papal tweet ever I call my two witnesses world leaders with billions and billions of earthquake damages fiscally resigning for me specifically twelve twelve Jorge two world leaders same day PM John Key and Renzi New Zealand Italy did George Washington change his birthday to two twenty-two exactly two hundred and twenty-two years to my birth? -jesus chris “THIS, TOO, WAS A CIRCUMSTANCE WHICH MADE MY RESIGNATION A ‘DUTY’’ -Joseph A. Ratzinger 2 week notice I made the Pope retire Galileo birthday bolide was a daytime shooting star w/ injuries caused by an approximately 20 m near-Earth asteroid entering Earth's atmosphere over Russia on 15 February 2013 exactly the 2 plus 2 anniversary and the 2 times 2 anniversary too that I registered at the registrar Godaddy on 15 February 2009 The domain now expires a decade to the day after the Feb 15, 2013 event I call my two week notice I made the Pope retire

The Pope resigned for a tweet
published on ten twenty-eight
twelve at twelve twelve confirmed
with his first tweet ever on twelve
twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight
and formal resignation of first pope
in six centuries two plus two and
two times two months later two
months two weeks and two days
after his first tweet I call my two
witnesses world leaders for
earthquake damages fiscally
resigning for me specifically
the same day Jorge twelve twelve
Prime Ministers John Key and
Matteo Renzi New Zealand Italy
did Washington change his
birthday to two twenty-two
exactly two hundred and
twenty-two years to my birth?
        -jesus chris
A ‘DUTY’’ -Retired Pope Benedict XVI

 The 2 week notice I made the
Pope retire Galileo birthday bolide was
a daytime shooting star w/ injuries
YouTube caused by an approximately 20 m
near-Earth asteroid entering
Earth's atmosphere over Russia
on 15 February 2013 exactly the
2 plus 2 anniversary and the
2 times 2 anniversary too
that I registered
at the registrar on 15 February 2009.
The domain now expires a decade
to the day after the Feb 15, 2013 two
week notice I made the Pope retire on
February 15, 2023.
First ever confirmed
meteoric injuries eleven
hundred russians rushed to
russian hospitals the
anniversary I regged rushlogo
at registrar Godaddy. First Reportedly
Confirmed Injuries at 09:20 YEKT
(03:20 UTC) when airburst impacted
for me and with speed of 19.16 ± 0.15
kilometers per second (60,000 to 69,000 km/h
or 40,000 to 42,900 mph) it quickly
became an asteroid airburst
of tunguska two week notice i made
pope retire with a fireball on
Galileo birthday YouTube
“i made the spoof retire” mario.   



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